COPY: Abacus Math Club Level 1 (Introduction)

Math actually doesn't have to be so 'mathy'

Math, doesn't have to be as 'mathy' as math can be.  One thing we like to pride ourselves on, is that we take the math out of the math, and add in fun.  You child will be calculating, calculating well, calculating accurately before you both even realize that you've engaged in math!

9 Modules

Introducing.... your junior counter.

Adding human-like qualities to math, helps "take math out of the math," and helps the math be less 'mathy.' 

That's what this module is all about.

Get to know your junior counter's parts and positions a little better ;-)

Knowing the basics of the junior counter is HUGELY important.  

This module helps the learner better identify both.

When children can easily identify the bead positions and know the corresponding numbers, the magic happens.

Also, it is very import to lay down this foundation with number 0-9, as it is the catalyst for numbers 0-99 and 0-999.

Once children begin to 'visualize' bead positions, the mental math ability is on its way.

Let's Go!!

Counting and positioning 0-9

Associating Positions to Numbers or Quantities is an Invaluable Asset to Your Child's Mental Math Capacity

This module takes children on a journey of learning how to position the beads on the junior counter so they can create mental images of numbers.

Knowing their numbers and how to count is one thing, adding mental pictures to numbers is another.

Adding number 0-4

And Just Like That... We're Ready to Start Adding

If you child is counting, understand they are already adding.  We have to just make sure we are bridging that understanding.

This module takes the natural skill of counting to adding. 

Subtracting numbers 0-4

It's all the same

So we mastered counting down and guess what? Counting down is the same thing (movement, process, motion) as subtracting.

So let's get to it!

The Royal Number 5 (adding and subtracting & 5's special friends)

What is number 5's special position?

5 takes on a different position on the junior counter.  We move from the legs to the head. Or from the moving the lower beads to moving the upper beads.

Adding and subtracting with 6-9

Now the fun begins!!

Children begin to fully engage both the upper beads and lower beads to compose and decompose numbers 0-9!

The fun truly starts now.

Level 1 Practice ~A

Let's put all the level skills together in this practice!  

We will begin with the basics of identifying parts, to bead positions and then  we'll do some mental math practice and some junior counter math practice.

Level 1 Practice~ B

Modules for this product 9
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 Abacus Math Club Level 1
 $109.00 USD
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